About Me:
Anna Cherezova, WWL Representative in Spain.
Anna is a native of Kiev. She has more than 10 years of work experience in state and patronage services in the legislative body of Ukraine. Before taking the oath of office of a civil servant and starting work in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (from July 2012), she worked as an economist at the Khreshchatyk Municipal Enterprise of the Pechersk District Council in the city of Kyiv. In the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, she worked in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th convocations of the Verkhovna Rada as an assistant-consultant to People’s Deputies Oleg Radkovskyi, Vitaly Chugunnikov, and Oleksiy Goncharenko in the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada:
– on issues of transport and communication;
– on issues of construction, urban planning and housing and communal services and regional policy;
– on issues of organization of state power, local self-government and regional development;
– on budget matters.
Performed technical and legal processing of almost all draft Laws and other acts that these People’s Deputies developed and submitted for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; took an active part in organizing and working out the final Recommendations of both Committee hearings (which were held in the Verkhovna Rada on May 18, 2015 on the topic: “Issues of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea”) and Parliamentary hearings (which were held in the Verkhovna Rada on May 15 June 2016 on the topic: “Strategy of reintegration into Ukraine of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: problematic issues, ways, methods and methods”). Taking into account Anna’s professional training and organizational skills, during the years 2014-2021 she was personally responsible for the documentary and organizational support of the participation of People’s Deputy, member of the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Oleksiy Honcharenko in his international meetings, in the work at plenary sessions PACE sessions and other events of this statutory body of the Council of Europe. In addition, according to the order of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 17.03.2015 # 420, during March 2015 – August 2019, Anna was appointed secretary of the parliamentary group of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Interparliamentary Relations with the French Republic (which included 82 people’s deputies deputy of Ukraine). She was personally responsible for the interaction and organization of meetings between the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and people’s deputies-members of this group with the Ambassador of France to Ukraine and diplomatic employees of the Embassy, with Senators of the Senate and deputies of the National Assembly of the French Republic, for the documentary and organizational support of the current activities of this deputy group. In particular, among other things, as part of the official delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in June 2015, at the invitation of the Parliament of France, she was on a working visit to France, during which she participated in high-level working meetings in the Senate and the National Assembly of the French Republic, in a number of Ministries, as well as on a working trip to the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region – to the largest nuclear power plant in Western Europe, Gravelin; took an active part in the co-organization of the visits to Ukraine of two official working delegations of the Parliament of France – the Senate (consisting of 5 Senators) and the National Assembly (consisting of 7 deputies), which took place on February 6-11 and September 10-15, 2017, respectively, at the invitation of the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The mentioned delegations held a number of high-level meetings in Ukraine (with the President of Ukraine, the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, with people’s deputies – members of the parliamentary group on inter-parliamentary relations with the French Republic), as well as made working trips to the Chornobyl NPP, to Odesa and to the territory of the Donetsk region (where they visited Kramatorsk, Avdiivka and the checkpoint “Mayorske”, which was located on the demarcation line).
Anna graduated from the National Aviation University (Kyiv), where she first received a bachelor’s degree in international relations, and then a master’s degree in “International economic relations” and qualified as an economist, an expert in foreign economic issues. She also graduated from the Institute of Civil Service and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, where she obtained a master’s degree in public administration; at the moment, she is a 3rd-year student at the Institute of Management and Law of the National University of Law named after Yaroslav the Wise (where she was forced to interrupt her studies due to the disease of Kovid, birth during the illness of her daughter and the war).
The war found Anna in Buch, where she fully experienced all the horrors of survival with a two-month-old baby in her arms under constant fire from all types of weapons and in conditions of lack of heat, electricity, water, and lack of food – from where she, after several previous unsuccessful attempts, miraculously escaped, together with a two-month-old child, her mother, her husband and his elderly parents – on the last day before the occupation of this city by the Russian invaders…
After the evacuation from Buchi, after a short medical and psychological rehabilitation in the west of Ukraine, together with her child and husband, she was evacuated to the border of Ukraine. During the war, Anna’s father died, and she did not have the opportunity to go to Kyiv for his funeral…
At the moment, he lives in Spain and, well aware of the needs and problems of refugees who fled the war to European countries, finds time for volunteer activities.